Live Theatre, Concerts & Events


Studio Theatre Perth wants to Cast you in a major role

At Studio Theatre Perth, volunteers are the stars of the show. We need your support now!

It’s true. Our theatre is 100% staffed and run by volunteers. Every actor, every director, every stagehand, every member of the Board and every ticket taker is a volunteer. Without their support, the curtain would never rise, and the show would never go on.

That’s why we’re looking for people of all ages who are eager to lend a hand, make new friends, and contribute to the success of an important local theatre and concert venue. We need all the volunteers we can get, because running a vibrant Community Theatre takes, well, a community.

You already have all the skills you need: your smile, your enthusiasm, your experience and your willingness to contribute, in any role you choose.

And by the way, as a Studio Theatre Perth volunteer you’ll get to see our shows for free.

Put a little showbiz in your life…

Our volunteers do everything from making costumes and applying makeup, to moving props and building sets, to ripping tickets and staffing the snack bar. No experience required.

And if you see yourself as the next De Niro or Streep — or just part of a crowd scene — there’s a place for you on our stage. We also need directors, producers, set dressers, stage managers and more. The theatre is an exciting place for anyone and everyone.

If you would prefer to remain “behind the curtain”– we are always looking for experienced and willing folks who would like to work on web design, write news articles, fundraise, become involved with community outreach or with our education curriculums for both adults and youth.

Be a part of Perth’s amazing theatre history.

Did you know that Perth was once the home of the 1000-seat Balderson Theatre, the largest live theatre between Toronto and Montreal? Heck, Harry Houdini played there, along with stars of Vaudeville and repertory theatre. Studio Theatre Perth is proud to carry on our town’s tradition of staging outstanding live plays and concerts and film, and we’re now one of Ontario’s most respected community showplaces. Volunteers made it all happen, and you can be one of us.

A great theatre experience is waiting in the wings for you.

Becoming part of the Studio Theatre Perth family of volunteers is a fun, satisfying way to contribute to the cultural life of our town. And it’s easy to get in on the act: Just send an email to…. or call….613-267-SHOW (7469) and ask to speak to Liz. She will be excited to talk to you.

So, get in touch now. At Studio Theatre Perth, we’re looking forward to meeting you, and making you a part of our irreplaceable supporting cast.

The Studio Theatre is a true Community theatre, and the only facility of its kind in Perth that is operated 100% by volunteers. Everyone involved in our theatre – from actors, directors, set designers and stage hands to ushers, ticket takers, Snack Bar people, committee chairs and our Board of Directors – donate their time out of community spirit and love of the theatre. And as a volunteer, you get to see our shows and concerts for free!

We are always looking for new and eager volunteers in every area of the Studio Theatre. You don’t need any particular theatre skills or talents, we have folks that can mentor and/or train you for whatever role you would like to take on.

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete our volunteer intake form below and for sure our Volunteer Co-ordinator  (Liz Theobald 613-326-1976) will contact you to meet up and get to know you and how we can make you a member of our theatre family!

Here are just four of our theatre volunteers on the “move” relocating house seats. Pictured (L to R) (top row) are Penny Silberhorn (Pres) Katherine Hooton (Sec), (2nd row) Dave Corbishley (Technical Manager) and Kieran More (actor).

FOR ALL theatre volunteers

For all theatre volunteers

Volunteer Form

Please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!

Please note this form might not work on your IOS device. Try Chrome if the form will not send using Safari.

Here is what I am interested in (check all that may apply):


Mike is a retired broadcast production veteran whose 43-year career includes TV & Radio production, along with a 21-year span of teaching part-time in the Algonquin College Radio Broadcasting and Theatre Arts program. His passion for radio performance has garnered several awards and recognition from industry peers and students. As Regional Production Manager at Rogers Radio, he helmed a 6-person team serving the Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax markets. He has directed various productions including commercial and news features, music specials, and podcasts.