Live Theatre, Concerts & Events

Buy a membership

How to Buy Your Studio Theatre Perth Membership

Step 1: Fill out the form to apply for your Tier A membership and submit
Step 2: Send a $10 payment via e-transfer to (noting “Membership” in memo space)
Send us your information by mail with a $10 cheque to:
     Studio Theatre Perth
     Attn: Treasurer
     63 Gore St. E, Unit 2
     Perth ON  K7H 1H8
Membership Cards can be picked up at the upcoming AGM. Your name will be added to our AGM invite list. Thanks for supporting community theatre.

Tier A Membership Form

Perth Theatre Project (PTP) Membership Guidelines

To show support of our community theatre, all of our volunteers are encouraged to purchase memberships.

Perth Tier A – Non-voting members (information only)

  • This membership is mandatory for directors and actors over 16 years of age and recommended for all volunteers
  • A $10 annual membership fee will be paid
  • Benefits of this membership include:
    • Receipt of a membership card (valid from AGM to AGM)
    • An opportunity to show your support of the community and Studio Theatre
    • An invitation to the AGM
    • Invitations to special events
    • Opportunity to serve on and contribute to ad hoc committees (as announced through our member mailing list)
    • For cast, crew, producers and directors, two free tickets to the performance they are working on


Tier B – Voting members

  • All of the member benefits set out in Tier A
  • Voting members will pay $25 annual membership fee
  • Voting members will receive a membership card (valid AGM to AGM)
  • Membership affords an opportunity to show your support of the community and Studio Theatre
  • Voting members are expected to review documents in advance of AGM to be informed. (Documents will be distributed to members 21 days before the AGM)
  • Voting members may nominate candidates for the Parry Award
  • Voting members may be called upon to investigate complaints
  • Voting members may be invited to serve on the Nominating Committee
  • Members may only cast votes in their second and subsequent voting membership terms

The term for both membership types runs from AGM to AGM.

In order to attend and vote at an AGM, membership may be purchased on the website up to three months prior to the AGM or in person at the AGM. Memberships purchased more than three months prior to the AGM will not be valid for the term beginning at that AGM.


Mike is a retired broadcast production veteran whose 43-year career includes TV & Radio production, along with a 21-year span of teaching part-time in the Algonquin College Radio Broadcasting and Theatre Arts program. His passion for radio performance has garnered several awards and recognition from industry peers and students. As Regional Production Manager at Rogers Radio, he helmed a 6-person team serving the Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax markets. He has directed various productions including commercial and news features, music specials, and podcasts.