Live Theatre, Concerts & Events

Lobby Art

Current exhibit at Studio Theatre

Sue Gibson: from June

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Contact our curator: Donna McPhail

Sue Gibson

Working in oil on canvas, I create art that is realistic and detailed. Although I have used other mediums, painting in oil is my passion. I love the way the paint feels on the brush and canvas, it flows, blends, and creates a perfect depth of colour. The natural world around us is my muse and its bounty provides endless artistic challenges for my brush and palette.

It was not until I retired in 2016, that I discovered the thrill of putting paint on canvas. It has grown into an obsession. You will find me most days painting in my studio at Bass Lake, Lombardy, ON. My work is currently being shown in Perth, Ontario, at The Studio Theatre, and at the Art and Class Gallery. 

Come to a show and also visit the art gallery in the lobby!


Mike is a retired broadcast production veteran whose 43-year career includes TV & Radio production, along with a 21-year span of teaching part-time in the Algonquin College Radio Broadcasting and Theatre Arts program. His passion for radio performance has garnered several awards and recognition from industry peers and students. As Regional Production Manager at Rogers Radio, he helmed a 6-person team serving the Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax markets. He has directed various productions including commercial and news features, music specials, and podcasts.