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Grab Yer Kilt! “Hamish” is coming to Studio Theatre Perth

A Canadian man finds himself “haunted” by a Scottish past he never knew he had!

Hamish, by award-winning Canadian playwright Michael Grant, is the hilarious story about discovering the spirit of family… in more ways than one.

When his wife takes him to Scotland to visit his ancestral home, Gordon believes himself to be an orphan, bereft of any family traditions or obligations. An ambitious corporate lawyer, he has no interest in delving into the long-dead past, never mind donning a kilt. Or does he? When the old clan property is suddenly threatened by developers, he must decide whether to stake his claim as a descendent or abandon his birthright altogether.

Hamish is a prankish, playful comedy that introduces a host of memorable characters. In addition to the workaholic Gordon, we meet Tomas, the classic Scottish caretaker better at spinning yarns than paying the bills; Kelli, Gordon’s wife who arranged the trip and is counting on making a family connection for reasons of her own; Shelby the banker, and his investor, Annette, both intending to acquire the property, history bedamned. And finally, there is Hamish, the play’s namesake with his own unique connection, and a strong presence felt throughout the story.

“There’s not one character in it that I don’t absolutely adore!” says director, Sheila Jasiak, who fell in love with the play the moment she read it. “The plays I tend to pick are about family dynamics and the comedy that can happen in everyday life. Hamish is a love story, not between a man and a woman, but between family… knowing that you can’t go ahead in life without really knowing where you came from.”

Jasiak, whose own Scottish ancestors helped build Perth over 200 years ago, looks upon this show as her love letter to the town’s heritage. Having spearheaded several wildly successful local productions, she is joined by a keen and accomplished cast eager to perform this tale of tartan with its supernatural twist.

Talented local actor Mark Daley, and theatre veteran, Dana Ruprecht portray the Canadian couple hilariously confronted by Gordon’s past. Alan Humphreys makes his Studio Theatre debut as charismatic Tomas, with the pencil-pushing Shelby played by Jerry Logan. One of Ottawa valley’s strongest thespians, Janet Rice, portrays Annette, and local favourite, Rob Glas, rounds out the cast as the spirited and formidable Hamish.

Hamish premieres at the Studio Theatre Perth on Thursday, April 4th at 7:30 pm for seven shows: April 4, 5, 6, 12 & 13 at 7:30 pm and April 7 & 14 at 2:00 pm. Be sure to book your tickets in advance! Tickets are $24 exclusively at Tickets Please in the Matheson House Museum Visitor Centre, 11 Gore St. E. (613 which accepts in-store, phone, online and credit card purchases. Tickets are $24 at the Studio Theatre box office on show nights, subject to availability. Rush tickets for Students with ID are just $10 at the door, subject to availability. Attend opening night and save $5!

Don’t miss your chance to see this delightful comedy about Scottish tradition, family, and forefathers. “There’s a lot of heart in [Michael Grant’s] writing,” says actor Jerry Logan. “A lot of heart and soul.” His co-star Alan Humphreys agrees: “Everyone is uplifted in the end. It’s all about family.”

Article by Dana Ruprecht / Photo by Bruce Raby

In rehearsal for Studio Theatre’s production of Hamish. (L-R): Dana Ruprecht (Kelli), Mark Daley (Gordon), Jerry Logan (Shelby), Alan Humphreys (Tomas). The show opens at Studio Theatre Perth on Thursday, April 4th. Visit for more details.








Mike is a retired broadcast production veteran whose 43-year career includes TV & Radio production, along with a 21-year span of teaching part-time in the Algonquin College Radio Broadcasting and Theatre Arts program. His passion for radio performance has garnered several awards and recognition from industry peers and students. As Regional Production Manager at Rogers Radio, he helmed a 6-person team serving the Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax markets. He has directed various productions including commercial and news features, music specials, and podcasts.