An Evening of Classic Jazz with The Peter Brown Quintet
Friday October 7 at 7:30
Ticket Price (includes service fee): $17.00 (including fees) at Tickets Please and Shadowfax
Jazz lovers rejoice! Great classic jazz is coming to the Studio Theatre!
For the past 4 years, a quartet of Ottawa’s most established jazz players has been playing to a packed house of enthusiastic fans in Carleton Place on the first Thursday of every month. Now you can catch this great experience in Perth.
The group is lead by jazz and blues pianist/singer Peter Brown. Peter has toured with Canadian blues legend Dutch Mason, American blues artist Sherman Robertson, and was the keyboardist for Mumbo Jumbo Voodoo Combo for 17 years. He led his own jazz trio with which he performed at the Ottawa jazz festival nine years running. Drummer Glenn Robb is a veteran of the Ottawa Jazz community. Don Paterson is perhaps Ottawa’s finest jazz trumpet soloist and one the most sought-after horn players in the area. Dave Arthur has been an Ottawa based trombonist, bassist, vocalist, composer and arranger for 40+ years. This concert adds virtuoso violinist John Richard to the mix.