Live Theatre, Concerts & Events

The Winter Wonderettes

The Winter Wonderettes

Time: 2pm & 7:30pm
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The Wonderettes return to Perth for a winter special

The Winter Wonderettes is the last of the series, created by American writer Roger Bean. The shows focus on four high school friends at a prom night, a retirement party and two reunions. All are great excuses to relive some golden oldies and some classics, with lots of singing and dancing strung together with a simple storyline.

The setting for The Winter Wonderettes is the 1968 Christmas party at Harper’s Hardware Store in small town USA.  And the party is a way for us all to get into the Christmas spirit this year.

Betty Jean (played by Lindsay Williams), Cindy Lou (Lauren Osterhout), Suzy (Courtney Mason) and Missy (Justine White) appeared in the first musical in the series in 2017. The team was back in Marvelous Wonderettes – Dream On in 2018, with Cait Porteous filling in for Courtney.

The original foursome is back for the new show.

The new show is classic holiday entertainment, with lots of singalong (and “dancealong”) favourites, including Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree, Winter Wonderland, Sleigh Ride and Santa Baby.

Directing The Winter Wonderettes is C.Lee Bates who wasn’t actually planning to take on the director’s role this time, but was persuaded to return.

“I thought I was retired from all this!” she says.

“Thankfully, Justine, Courtney, Lauren and Lindsay, along with (musical director) Brad Mills, applied a wee bit of pressure to bring me back for one last show.”

Brad Mills, who was musical director for the previous Wonderettes shows is back as conductor and keyboards player. He is supported by Gordon Craig on saxophone, Cam Gray on bass, Steve Hanna on guitar, Terry Kirkpatrick on drums and Lynn Morrison on Flute.

Dani Corbishley is choreographer; her fancy footwork was seen in 2023 in Nunsense.

The sparkling outfits are by the show’s costume manager Ann Hawthorne. She was able to incorporate some fabric from a previous Wonderettes show into this year’s costumes.

Event times are: 

Nov 28, 29; Dec 5,6 @ 7:30pm

Nov 30; Dec 1,7,8 @ 2pm

Download the program here.

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Mike is a retired broadcast production veteran whose 43-year career includes TV & Radio production, along with a 21-year span of teaching part-time in the Algonquin College Radio Broadcasting and Theatre Arts program. His passion for radio performance has garnered several awards and recognition from industry peers and students. As Regional Production Manager at Rogers Radio, he helmed a 6-person team serving the Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax markets. He has directed various productions including commercial and news features, music specials, and podcasts.