Live Theatre, Concerts & Events

Perth Theatre Project Strategic Plan Survey

We need your support for an exciting project.

Perth Theatre Project, Inc. (the corporation that operates Studio Theatre Productions and Studio Theatre Perth) is a non-profit organization. We exist to enrich the arts community in Perth and surrounding areas. That is where you come in. We want to know your feelings about the arts, what you want would like to see and how you think we should be serving the community.

Over the many years of our existence, the leadership at Studio Theatre has never felt the need to document a formal strategic business plan. However, given current circumstances, we feel it would be a prudent move now. Here’s why:

  • COVID presented a huge strain on many organizations – to the extent that two of the three theatres in town are no longer in operation. We survived, but attendance at our productions has not fully returned to pre-COVID levels.
  • We have traditionally, been able to fund most of our activities through our live productions and fundraising for special projects. And of course , our operating costs are rising. We may not be able to continue to fully fund our operations through live productions only. Other revenue sources may be needed.
  • Our board membership has been relatively static for a long time. Members are aging and facing health challenges. Many remain in positions because it is perceived there is no one to replace them. Outsiders have accused us of being “closed” to new ideas and new ways of being. It takes time to learn our organization and cultivate the skills to serve on the Board. We need a succession plan.
  • · Our volunteer pool is limited and being stretched by the volume of activities that need to be supported.
  • Recent efforts to address these issues have highlighted the fact that everyone does not necessarily agree on the “right” way to proceed.
  • For these reasons, we have decided to undertake the development of a formal strategic business plan. This will help us align our priorities and demonstrate to potential funders our ability to responsibly sustain the organization.

Over the coming weeks we are conducting a survey of Perth and surrounding communities. After those results are in, we will also be conducting focus groups and a townhall meeting where we invite anyone who may be interested. We want to hear from as many members of the community as possible. Your voice is important and will guide as to how we should move forward.

Would you be willing to spend 10 – 15 minutes answering a few questions? If so, please go click or scan below:


Mike is a retired broadcast production veteran whose 43-year career includes TV & Radio production, along with a 21-year span of teaching part-time in the Algonquin College Radio Broadcasting and Theatre Arts program. His passion for radio performance has garnered several awards and recognition from industry peers and students. As Regional Production Manager at Rogers Radio, he helmed a 6-person team serving the Ottawa, Kingston and Halifax markets. He has directed various productions including commercial and news features, music specials, and podcasts.