Live Theatre, Concerts & Events

Perth Youth Players LogoFALL SESSION 2023 


Register – Aug 30th, Sept 6th and 10th
Studio Theatre Lobby  6:30 pm
Registration Fee $75 /$65 returning PYP members.

Contact Marilyn at

 # 1 + 2 DEVISING DRAMA  in Part 1 and Part 2  –  with Carolee Mason

Basics:  Creating Drama from the ground up in Fun and Collaborative ways

Participants will work with drama educator Carolee Mason to explore various drama structures while acquiring skills in collaboration and communication. They will experience different ways to dramatize their own ideas and various texts, as part of making their own ‘collective drama creation’.

#3 STAGE COMBAT AND SAFETY with Dani Corbishley

Basics:  Working on movements that create an illusion of a fight in a safe way for the actors

Participants will learn exercises and specific techniques– in pairs and in crowd scenes-  that depict a physical conflict to the audience but must be done in a way that does not harm those performing it.

#4 THEATRE MAQUETTE   – with  Reiner Silberhorn

Basics: Design and Build a 3-D model of your own set design

Participants will be able to understand the basic principles of set construction, Coordination with others, set layout, and they will produce a drawing of their ideas to scale, and a maquette (3-D model of their own set design.

#5 ANATOMY OF A SCENE –  Laurel Smith (Classic Theatre Festival)

Basics: Get down to the ‘nitty-gritty” of a scene to understand how to interpret the text in a scene

Participants will take a scene from a play and break it into parts, discover what the emotional arc of the scene is, what each character wants and discover whether they got what they wanted, what is being said, and what is actually meant, and how to present that to an audience by expression of voice and body language.

#6 LIGHTING CHALLENGES – with Dave Corbishley

Basics: Learning more in-depth lighting techniques and hands-on training in lighting booth

Participants will learn about and try out different lighting effects – how to create mood with lighting, create a morning scene – create a night –  what specific lights to use for specific effects.

#7 GET READY FOR YOUR CLOSE-UP  – with Allison Graham  (professional actor)

Basics:   On Camera Acting 

Participants will further explore acting on camera and after breaking off into groups for some rehearsal, their scenes will be videotaped -with direction from Allison – to shape the presentation to camera.  We’ll shoot scenes with various angles; close-ups and wide shots etc. so participants will learn some of what it is like to work as an actor on a TV or movie set.  These scenes will be edited into a show so they can see it all come together.

#8 COMMEDIA DELL’ ARTE  – with Alexis Scott

Basics:  Exploring Characterizations of these very specific character types through voice and body 

Participants will explore these fun and recognizable stock characters of long-ago street theatre –  Pantalone, Il Capitano, Il Dottore, Arlecchino, etc. and relate them to modern theatre.  Each character has a specific walk and voice, which all students will have fun trying out as individuals and in group scenarios