Live Theatre, Concerts & Events

Our 10 year strategic plan

Perth Theatre Project intends to reconfirm Perth as a major theatre destination in Eastern Ontario. We intend to, once again, make the Town of Perth the primary theatre destination between Montreal and Toronto. We will make high quality productions available at community theatre prices. In addition, we intend to re-enliven the rich tradition of film and innovation in Perth.

We believe that success will be achieved by operating a performance arts venue that provides a permanent home for both live productions and movies as well as educational activities related to performing arts. The goal is to provide theatre experiences comparable to those provided by professional production companies and cineplexes in the larger metropolitan centres.

We are dedicated to realization of this vision through collaboration with the Town of Perth, the Chamber of Commerce, the BIA and other government organizations for all forms of support including funding. Creatively, we will take an inclusive approach and collaborate extensively with other performing arts organizations in and around the community. Finally, we will implement changes in ways of doing business. We wil  adjust our programming to the preferences of a broader demographic and younger generation. We will also embrace and leverage current technologies.

View and download our 10 plan

Our 10 year plan at a glance